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Philips Device Connector guide

Virtual environments

Philips Device Connector can be set up in virtual/remote environments like Citrix, RDP or VMware.

The installation and troubleshooting of Philips Device Connector in virtual environments is covered in the Philips Speech Extensions guide. The guide covers all necessary steps, if you are already familiar with Philips Speech Extensions you can jump right to the Philips Device Connector section. However, we recommend to start with the introduction of the Philips Speech Extensions guide, to cover all the basics of the installation process and the terminology of virtual/remote environments.


  • Full functionality of SpeechLive in remote sessions requires audio playback as well as audio recording for remote session. Philips Device Connector focuses on button events and hardware functionality like LEDs. Audio support is handled by your virtualization platform technology (Citrix/WTS/VMWare) and depends on your platform combination (client/target/virtualization technology). Please refer to the documentation of your virtualization platform technology for the remote audio setup.

  • If connecting to a WTS/RDS target running as a Windows Server VM in Microsoft Azure, remote audio recording might not work as expected. A possible solution for this is to modify the RDP file provided by the Azure resource. Please try removing the line “administrative session:i:1”

  • Some virtualization technologies include their own methods to redirect hardware connected to the client (e.g. via Microsoft RemoteFX). If you are using these built-in methods, no Philips Device Connector client setup is necessary. You don´t need to refer to the Philips Speech Extensions guide. Just install PDC on the target as you would do on a local system and you´re good to go.