Survey shows: Digitalization is pushed by Corona
Survey shows: Digitalization is pushed by Corona
Philips Speech customers look positively to the future and think that home office has come to stay
While no improvement in the Corona crisis is yet in sight in some countries of the world, the signs in the DACH region (i.e. Germany, Austria and Switzerland) are better, at least for the time being. This is also reflected in a survey among customers conducted by Philips Speech between mid-May and mid-June.
For 71%, digitalization is a positive effect of Corona
Corona has strongly pushed the digital transformation of companies. 71 percent of those surveyed see this as a positive effect of the Corona crisis. For half of those surveyed, the reorganization and flexibilization of working life is also positive, and for another 40 percent the shift in priorities. All these findings show one thing: if Philips Speech customers could imagine the working world after Corona, it would be more digital and flexible.
This is also reflected in the assessment of which technologies will become more important through Corona: Home office technologies, IT security software, cloud applications and document creation using speech recognition. After all, these technologies are the foundation of a digitalised and flexible and partially automated working world.
Positive future scenario for Philips Speech customers
More than half of the respondents stated that some companies in their industry were affected by Corona, while 18 percent even came to a standstill. The good news is that the outlook for the future is much more optimistic.
59 percent expect growth for their industry. Only 12 percent of those surveyed have a negative view of the future. Philips Speech customers, a large proportion of whom are doctors and lawyers, are mainly concerned about developments that affect the entire economy, primarily the broad economic recession.
After Corona there will be more home offices than before Corona
Three-quarters of those surveyed think that there will be more home offices after Corona than before Corona. In line with the fact that the flexibilisation and reorganisation of working life are seen as positive effects, it can therefore be assumed that this is in the interests of most respondents.
More than 90 percent of those surveyed described the transition to the home office as well or partially well prepared. An overwhelming majority could thus continue to work without major problems or interruptions.
About Speech Processing Solutions
Speech Processing Solutions is the global number one in professional dictation. Founded in Austria in 1954 as part of Philips, the company has been the driving force in speech-to-text innovations for over 60 years.
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