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Towards seamless data transmission

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The customer
Dr. Nicolas Surga, Urology Surgery, Arras les Bonnettes/Béthune, France

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The solution
SpeechAir Smart Voice Recorder
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SpeechAir, Philips' innovative Smart Voice recorder, associated with the SpeechLive Cloud Dictation Solution enables urologic surgeon Dr. Nicolas Surga to transmit data via Wi-Fi, anytime, anywhere, facilitating the transmission of correspondence between sites.

It's between the private hospital in Arras Les Bonnettes and the Maison Médicale Pasteur in Béthune that Dr. Nicolas Surga shares his time as a medical practitioner. As a surgeon, specializing in urological cancers, he treats disorders associated with the kidneys, the male and female urinary tract, the male reproductive system (urogenital system) and the suprarenal glands. From outpatient surgery, which represents a vast share of his activity, to consultations in his secondary practice located 30 minutes from the hospital, Dr. Surga needs to stay permanently in touch with his secretarial team.

Facilitating the transmission of correspondence from one site to another

Four and a half years ago, when this young surgeon set up his practice in Arras with two associates, they still used 'traditional' voice recorders. Along with their three secretaries, who deal with telephone calls and correspondence, these six colleagues worked in close collaboration, every day, via their digital dictation application, Philips SpeechExec. But when one of the dictation recorders was out of order, the need for technological innovation was quick to transpire.

The use of Philips and Elindo to improve our dictation solutions came as a perfectly obvious choice. A winning team doesn't need to change, just like in football

Dr. Nicolas Surga
Urologist, Arras

Whilst accustomed to working with Philips digital dictation solutions for many years, a problem emerged with regard to replacing equipment: how to overcome the distance between the hospital and his secondary practice?  He decided to contact his familiar Philips partner, Elindo.

"We began by discussing and studying the situation with our secretaries, to see what could be compatible with the software we were using. The sales team at Elindo, a company specializing in the deployment of digital dictation, came to meet with us to present us the solutions likely to suit our situation. For my personal needs, distance data transmission obviously caught my attention. We opted for SpeechAir associated with the SpeechLive Cloud solution. And as for support, it proved extremely simple, for acquainting myself only took two minutes: the time to connect SpeechAir via Wi-Fi."

In conclusion: "Now, I can send medical reports direct from the operating theater, hence saving time for everyone and, in particular, when I am in Arras Les Bonnettes, I can send reports to my secretary, virtually in real time. I don't need to systematically go back to the secretary’s office."

Medical secretaries at the heart of the solution!

For his secretaries, learning how to use the system was also extremely simple, for the transcription software remained the same. It was Dr. Surga's priority to ensure his secretaries' comfort, to ensure their working habits were not unnecessarily disrupted.

Ms. Derecourt, one of Dr. Surga's medical secretaries, relates, "I started working at the age of 20, and have been a medical secretary for 23 years now. Suffice it to say, I have seen many changes in the profession: from old typewriters to old computers with no software. When digital dictation arrived, it offered an incredible gain in time. We no longer needed to listen to the entire tape to reach the last report. But now, with SpeechAir, it's even better, for Dr. Surga can dictate from any location and transmit data from wherever he is. For example, if he's forgotten a discharge, he no longer needs to come back to dictate it to us. He can do so at leisure from home, then send it to us via the Internet. Our work station has become more highly developed."

The solution

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“Medical data is secure and healthcare staff do not have to worry about the confidentiality of their reports.“

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“The program is extremely easy to use and user-friendly. I honestly wouldn’t change anything. The upload process and labeling are as easy as it gets.“

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“I think it's actually a positive gain in effectiveness. For instance, it used to take me an hour and a half to type a 4-page formal notice, but now it's done in 5 minutes.“

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