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Pathologically precise

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The customer
Fingerland Department of Pathology, Hradec Králové
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Philips partner
Newton Technologies
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The solution
SpeechAir Smart Voice Recorder
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SpeechExec Basic Dictation and Transcription Software
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The Fingerland Department of Pathology in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, focuses on routine diagnostic procedures for live patients. As many as 1.000 bioptic forms and 1.500 specimens are prepared daily. Digital dictation and automatic speech recognition save time, reduce errors and consequently increase quality. 

Hradec Králové is a university city in the Czech Republic, located about 100 kilometers east of the capital Prague. The Fingerland Department of Pathology was founded in 1928. Thousands of diagnostic procedures mean a huge documentation effort. This is why the Pathology Department has been using dictation for a long time. Currently they have implemented a system of digital dictation with Philips hardware and workflow software together with automatic speech recognition by Newton Dictate. 

Easy to use and minimal errors

The digital dictation device Philips SpeechAir is easy to use and fits perfectly into the daily routines of medical personnel. Its specific modes (like overwrite or insert) are ideal for the professional way of working. Its excellent recording quality is key for having a correctly transcribed text. 

The recorded text is converted with automatic speech recognition by Newton Dictate and then checked and finalized by secretaries. Working with speech recognition by Newton is fast, it saves time and even though the terminology of pathologists is difficult, due to the special dictionary errors are minimal. 

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“Would we recommend Philips SpeechLive? Rather not—otherwise, our competitors would be as well organized as we are.“

Dr. Michael Bergmann, Partner at Raue Law Firm in Berlin

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“Solutions like SpeechLive are the wave of the future. We got up and running with minimal training and we can make changes and adjustments as needed very easily.“

Julie A. Gorney Manager, Information Technologies

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“The evolution to SpeechLive has been extremely smooth, and accomplished with very minimal training.“

Gale Kicinski, Records Administrative Supervisor, Port Huron Police Department

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“Philips SpeechLive has positively impacted our business by making us much more efficient and giving our users the ability to work from any location.“

Steve Felden, Chief Technology Officer, Reminger Co., LPA, Cleveland

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