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Simply More Billable Hours

Success Factors for Implementing Cloud Voice Technologies at Raue Law Firm

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The customer
Raue Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Rechtsanwältinnen mbB, Berlin, Germany
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Philips partner
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The solution
SpeechLive Cloud Dictation Solution
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Ease of use, a secure cloud, and orchestrated change management within the team—these are the success factors for implementing a cloud-based voice technology according to Raue, a law firm in Berlin, Germany. They chose SpeechLive from the world market leader Philips, and they haven't regretted it: "We record more billable hours, and the support team is more productive than ever," is the consensus at the law firm, which ranks among the top 50 commercial law firms in Germany.

The focus of the decision for state-of-the-art speech processing was purely a business strategy: "Modern voice technologies are so advanced that it would have been almost negligent not to consider them," reports Dr. Michael Bergmann, attorney and partner at Raue. He specializes in international and European antitrust law and is responsible for IT management at the firm. Before deciding on Philips SpeechLive, the firm primarily used traditional dictations transcribed by support staff. "Many colleagues still use this type of documentation today, partly because they link dictations with complex work instructions," Bergmann explains. "And that brings us to the first advantage of our new system: The good thing about Philips SpeechLive is that both working methods are possible."

Would we recommend Philips SpeechLive? Rather not—otherwise, our competitors would be as well organized as we are.

Dr. Michael Bergmann
Partner at Raue Law Firm in Berlin

Adoption Rate Independent of Age and Gender

Bergmann rates the previously used system as "old school, not intuitive, complicated, and slow," saying, "It just wasn't fun." He is also not a fan of "typing without thinking". On the other hand, "spoken words are often more precise, concise, and consistent." However, not all colleagues work the same way he does. "Lawyers are structurally conservative, and many, including colleagues at Raue, are hesitant to try new technologies." Training sessions usually help little; learning by imitation is the order of the day. The adoption rate at Raue, which has over 80 lawyers, is not dependent on age or gender but simply on the willingness for change and the need for a more efficient organization. There is strong requirement for individual workflows according to personal preference. Many lawyers still work with old hardware devices, and the beauty of it is that Philips SpeechLive scores highly on compatibility with these old systems and the need for flexibility. "Philips SpeechLive is exactly the solid overall solution that allows for as many individual freedoms as possible," says Bergmann. Another advantage is the switch from on-premises to the cloud, which massively reduces in-house administration and increases security. The IT department also praises the close support from the Philips team and the smooth implementation without any obstacles. Raue was also supported by Philips partner ppm-stuttgart, a system house for digital dictation solutions with nearly 20 years of experience.

Multiple Changes

The introduction of Philips SpeechLive at Raue was characterized by several changes: from the "classic" dictation system to the new Philips SpeechLive solution, from the "old" user interface to an innovative and intuitive one, and from in-house servers to the cloud. According to Bergmann, clarifying the exact needs of stakeholders, including support staff and their working methods, was an essential point for the firm's project management. Another positive change identified, is the ability to work mobile and flexibly—whether one wants to walk around whilst dictating (and thus do something for their health) or work from home, the cloud-based Philips SpeechLive solution excites the Raue team in Berlin.

When asked about the success factors of Philips SpeechLive, Bergmann summarizes for Raue: a high pickup rate of the solution within the team, compatibility with existing solutions and workflows, sensationally easy usability, and secure cloud storage. All these aspects focus on two essential goals of law firms: first, to concentrate the legal workforce on actual client work, and second, to increase the productivity of support staff, which in turn contributes to the first point.

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