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Delivering high quality healthcare responsiveness

through SpeechLive software

The facts

The customer
Geneva healthcare, Auckland, New Zealand
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Philips partner
Sound Business Systems LTD
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Geneva Healthcare are recognized as one of the highest value providers of healthcare services and solutions across New Zealand including aged care, illness, injury and disability support. Operating since 1966, Geneva Healthcare have been industry specialists in Temporary Staffing and Permanent Recruitment services, supporting New Zealanders to live their best life and thrive by keeping well, living independently and staying connected within their community. The healthcare company is a leading force for technology driven innovative solutions, which allows them to be more responsive in their delivery of high quality healthcare.

Like many other industry professionals, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists rely heavily on innovative software solutions that can enhance workflow and provide efficiency and transparency in client documentation and reporting. Having large number of clienteles, adapting voice recognition technology is key as it allows flexibility and a streamline process that can speed up the documentation turnaround. 

Enabling more client visits and less time typing documents

Having previously incorporated a traditional tape recorder for processing client’s daily notes and reports, which would later need to be manually transcribed, Sarah McEntee and her team of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists at Geneva Health were seeking a more suitable solution, that would be compatible with their existing internal systems, and furthermore, streamline their workflow and speed up documentation turnaround time of clientele. Sarah explained, “We relied heavily on a dictation software, however the one we were using in the past was not that compatible with our systems. Having to sort through six or eight pages at a time, we were in need of a new software, and when approached from Sound Business to incorporate SpeechLive we moved to that, and I have to say, the Philips one, it’s amazing. It’s awesome. We all have that. “

Dictation itself is a skill, which when perfected can provide a much more efficient and faster way of assisting professionals in the creation of documents in comparison to typing. The SpeechLive software is beneficial to those who work on-the-go, as it provides flexibility in documentation through the option of using the smartphone app to convert your voice to text in real time while you speak or send recorded files to automated speech recognition. For Sarah and her team at Geneva Health, the simplicity of the SpeechLive mobile application in its ability to record and dispense patient correspondences on the go, allowed her staff to spend less time on document creation through typing, and therefore allowing them to visit more clients throughout their working day. Sarah explains, “The SpeechLive mobile app has given some of the therapists who are new to dictation an ease of workflow. It is a skill in itself to talk rather than type. And what I really like was the ease of creating reports, and then when it comes back to me I feel like the quality of my report is so much better because I can then proofread, allowing me to add more into it at that point of receiving it back from our transcriptionist rather than just initial thought when with the clients. So, I think the quality of how we are reporting is much better.”

The SpeechLive mobile app has given some of the therapists who are new to dictation an ease of workflow. It is a skill in itself to talk rather than type.

Sarah McEntee
Occupational therapist, team leader

Providing simplicity, security and reliability in workflow

As a growing healthcare provider and Industry specialists in temporary and permanent services, Geneva Healthcare required a software that could assist in the ease of document transferability, as well as accessibility and safe storing of clients records and documentations. SpeechLive user-friendly workflow allowed ease of dictation from the author, which is stored securely on the cloud-base once transcribed. The SpeechLive’s subscription license includes automatically updates, preventing any issues of downtime or compatibility with users existing systems. This means that clients data is stored securely and readily available from their mobile application. This in turn, increases efficiency of accessing reports, and allows Sarah’s staff and their clients to feel comfortable with a software that is reliable, secure and simple to use. “It is really user-friendly. You can pause it; you can come back to your reports. It pauses itself if your phone rings. It’s just easy and simple to use. All of our permanent employees, we get them to dictate the reports using it, and it makes us more way more productive. For every client contact that we have, we need to write notes or report of some form, and if we can use dictations for that report it means we can get the OT’s and Physio’s out seeing more people, which is helpful.”

More satisfied customers

Annemarie Pye, Operation Director, Taylor Rose, United Kingdom

“The advantage of advanced speech-to-text technology is a key step in our digital transformation.“

Annemarie Pye, Operation Director, Taylor Rose, United Kingdom

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“I can’t say enough good things about the Philips solution and really think any firm will be satisfied with the results.“

Gail Gianunzio, Paralegal, Lynch & Lynch, South Easton, USA

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“Being a lawyer is a hard job, and I owe much of my success to how I’ve been able to use technology to my advantage“

Marc Jonas, Shareholder and co-chair of the firm’s Land Use and Zoning practice group, Eastburn and Gray, PC

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“The program is extremely easy to use and user-friendly. I honestly wouldn’t change anything. The upload process and labeling are as easy as it gets.“

Steve Dillard, Corporal, Gillette Police Department, Wyoming, USA

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